Ahhh, the wonderful fabric purchase! How many of us crave the excitement of perusing the quilt shop, taking our newfound treasures up to the counter, having them cut and taking them home. Some of us just can't wait to wash, iron, and carefully fold our new stash, others hide it away for a rainy day. For me, fabric buys were like 'crack' and I had to have my fix. I was in the quilt shop every week, and I would dream and obsess about new fabrics until I bought them. I just couldn't get enough, and I'm pretty sure my husband was ready to contact the producers of "Intervention" to see if they dealt with fabric addicts. When my local quilt shop went out of business, it wasn't from lack of my local support. After the shop closed, I quickly found out how much fun buying fabric online could be, but there was a new element to the buying process. The waiting for the package was painful, as I wanted instant gratification. When the packages came, I couldn't get them open fast enough. How many of you gals out there go through the same thing? I thought this picture captured that feeling just perfectly. I thought about the excitement I felt when I went to the Jersey Shore as a child. Nothing was more exciting than the ocean and waiting for the water to run up the beach at my feet. So, I guess in the end, buying fabric makes me feel like a kid again...excited at possibility and carefree. Enjoy your passion, and the anticipation of those wonderful fabric buys!
Oh how I LOVE buying fabric online! Its sooo cool getting fabs in the mail!
Gael @ http://gaelt.blogspot.com/
I sweetly described, Sarah, the feeling of waiting for a package to arrive. And yes, it is addictive!
Unfortunately, I have been waiting for some gorgeous FQs to arrive since January 2. I look out for it everyday. Can you imagine that feeling.
Lovely you started a blog. I will put it on my blogroll(O:
I definitely have the same problem, I guess we are fabricaholics LOL
Does anyone else have problems when they order online that sometimes the fabric is not what you expect? I have a horrible time ordering batiks online especially. It's either horrible colors or much brighter than I expect.
We hear you! Ordering online can be frustrating when trying to match colors. It's great for finding what you need and getting the best prices, but when trying to match a specific color these advantages can be negated. The internet is an amazing tool but we lose the "touchy feely" fun of a brick-and-mortar store. I still love going to a bookstore and actually flipping through the books. One thing that may help is when you really need to examine a fabric, tilt your monitor/screen up and down a bit. Especially if viewing on a laptop, you'll find you'll get a wide range of color views based on how your screen is positioned. I guess this is one negative "affliction of our addiction." :)
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