Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hand made gifts...where did the time go?

Ok, so this year I had great intentions of making tons of handmade gifts for my loved ones, teachers, friends, etc. Problem is, my brain didn't tell my overtired body of the plans. Needless to say, my goals were not attained, but I can happily say I wasn't a total failure! After making two really cute portfolios and deciding they were too much work for the time I had left, I switched the project and made two plastic bag holders. I was able to whip those babies out in just 20 minutes each. Woohoo!

After talking with some other quilters, I am realizing I'm not in this boat alone. It seems many of us have the best of intentions, but life and everything in between put a wrench in the plans, with the end result being that not only do we not make what we intended, but we cringe as we run to the store for a quick gift. I often wonder if all of the disappointment we heap on ourselves is for nothing. What would really happen to that beautiful handmade gift anyway?

Run out of time? Girl, run to the store, come home, get a glass of wine, and smile...you can always make that pretty handmade gift next year!

Merry Christmas girls!!!

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